Saturday, January 7, 2012

Winter 2012 - UFO Group

Well it looks as though my list hasn't changed much for this round. (I'll be referring back to my summer 2011 - UFO group list for pictures and details on what needs to be fone for each ufo.) I wanted to add 4 more project that I recently bought fabric & patterns for... But alas with the husby home, holidays, company, the flu doing its rounds & so on and so forth, I just wasn't able to get a start on any of them. I will add the flaming strips to my list.... (Hopefully I'll think up a better name for it ;)& the charmed lap blanket. I'm making this post from my phone & unfortunately I'm not able to load a pic off of my phone into the post. I will come back tag and add the pics when I have access to my pc. Happy quilting! :)